Delivery of flowers to Akhilov

Free delivery of flowers to Akhilov

Do you need to send flowers to a dear person who was hospitalized in Ichilov Hospital? Has anyone had a baby in Ichilov and you want to share in her joy?

Looking for a flower shop in Ichilov? Send flowers to Akhilov?

Great, you've come to the right place.

Amaryllis Flower Boutique is a boutique store that offers a wide variety of designed flower bouquets

In a meticulous and special European style, you can also find a wide variety of pots, orchids, orchids, Japanese gardens

and special bonsai pots.

The store is located at Ben Yehuda 33 Tel Aviv

phone number for orders 055-9782374

We will be happy to serve you as well for delivery of flowers to Ichilov or any other location around Tel Aviv.

משלוח פרחים לאכילוב